Installing using Docker


Installing necessary packages: Ubuntu

Installing necessary packages: Fedora/CentOS etc.

  • Install a fresh Fedora/CentOS image

  • Make sure we have git installed:

    $ sudo yum update
    $ sudo yum install git -y
  • Clone the repository:

    $ git clone
  • Follow the correct Docker install guide for your operating system:


Run the Craton Docker Image

  • First, go to craton directory and build the Docker image:

    $ sudo docker build --pull -t craton-api:latest .
  • And finally, run the docker image:

    $ sudo docker run -t --name craton-api -d craton-api:latest

Calling into Craton

  • Let’s get container Id:

    $ ContainerId=$(docker ps | grep craton-api:latest | awk '{print $1}')
  • We need the container IP, so we can run an API call against Craton running in the container:

    $ ContainerIP=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ${ContainerId})
  • Bootstrap credentials are generated at the top of the craton-api logs for initial authentication. You can manually copy the username, api key, and project id from the logs by running:

    $ docker logs -f craton-api

    Or you can grep for them:

    $ CRATON_PROJECT_ID=$(docker logs craton-api | grep "ProjectId:" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r')
    $ CRATON_USERNAME=$(docker logs craton-api | grep "Username:" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r')
    $ CRATON_API_KEY=$(docker logs craton-api | grep "APIKey:" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r')
  • To generate a sample data set, use the following command:

    $ python tools/ --url http://${ContainerIP}:7780/v1 --user "$CRATON_USERNAME" --project "$CRATON_PROJECT_ID" --key "$CRATON_API_KEY"
  • Now you can run a curl command like the one below to query Craton:

    $ curl -i "http://${ContainerIP}:7780/v1/hosts?region_id=1" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: ${CRATON_API_KEY}" -H "X-Auth-User: ${CRATON_USERNAME}" -H "X-Auth-Project: ${CRATON_PROJECT_ID}"

Using wrapper functions

*Some wrapper functions have been included in craton/tools to quickly build, reload, populate, and query craton. * To load the wrapper functions, run the following in the craton parent directory:

# source tools/
  • To quick start and populate craton in docker, run the following from the craton parent directory:

    # craton-docker-start
  • In order to interact with craton, export the bootstrap credentials by running:

    # export eval $(craton-docker-env)
  • Populate craton with fake data by running:

    # craton-fake-data
  • Run API calls against craton with the following wrappers:


Requires the installation of httpie

# craton-post v1/regions name=HKG # craton-get v1/hosts # craton-put v1/hosts/3 device_type=container # craton-put v1/hosts/3/variables foo=47 bar:=’[“a”, “b”, “c”]’ # craton-delete v1/hosts/4

Command Cheat-Sheet

  • Get the Craton logs:

    $ docker logs -f craton-api
  • Open mysql in the Craton container:

    $ docker exec -it craton-api mysql -ucraton -pcraton craton
  • Get a bash shell from the Craton container:

    $ docker exec -it craton-api bash # for a bash shell, etc