

The fundamental unit of inventory in Craton is a device, which has the following characteristics:


A device is configurable, either directly over SSH with tooling like Ansible or indirectly via some controller.

Configuration can be further divided as follows:

  • Version-controlled configuration, often captured in playbooks. It is the responsibility of workflows to use such configuration.
  • Config data stored in the inventory schema.

In either case, the ultimate source may be manual, programmatic, or a combination of the two.

A device has an IP address (specifically the control plane IP address).
Devices are part of a hierarchy of regions and cells; a region in turn is part of a project.

Devices may be arbitrarily labeled. Such labels can describe physical layout – cabinet, networking, power, etc – along with logical usage – compute service, etc. Labels are not in a hierarchy. (But should they be?)

Some systems like Kubernetes use a key/value scheme for labels. This can be readily supported by the convention key:value for the label name.

A host is a concrete subclass of device, and corresponds to the equivalent Ansible concept: a host is directly configurable by an Ansible playbook over SSH. Hosts have associated SSH keys for such access.

Principals interact (read and/or write) with inventory about devices. Governance for this interaction is mediated by RBAC and logged with respect to change records (including the reason for the change). Third party governance systems like OneOps can further structure these interactions. There are two classes of principals:


Capture audits about inventory; which are in turn used for any remediation. The pattern of usage is bottom-up.

Workflows are pluggable. They can be refined to a number of levels: Ansible, OpenStack Ansible, a specific workflow for managing patch levels with OSA (TODO does that actually make sense for OSA?).

Note that a workflow can be run any number of times, against different subsets of inventory. Example: migrate a specific cabinet, as specified by a label. Think of this distinction as being like an Ansible playbook vs its play.

Because workflows also know about version-controlled config, perhaps they can be used for queries as well. (TODO Ansible has some limited ways of determining such variables; it’s possible OSA might develop this further as well in terms of role-based scheme.)


Configure and query inventory. The pattern of usage is top-down, whether that’s configuring a specific label or drilling down from a given cell.

Users also can run workflows. This capability implies that workflows can be linked to roles; and that permissions include being the ability to run workflows.

Inventory interactions can be optionally logged. For example, if inventory is configured to use MySQL with InnoDB as its backing store, then all changes can be captured in the write-ahead log and reliably streamed to Kafka for analysis.

Associated with each region, cell, label, and device are variables. Here are some aspects of variables:

Variables are used to describe a device with config, auditing (possibly a subset of discovered facts), and other information. However variables do not store logging, metric, or monitoring information — because of volume, such storage is best done in a separate database, such as timeseries DB.
Key/value pairs
Variables are made of up key/value pairs.

Keys are strings; they are additionally restricted to be valid Python identifiers. We usually refer to these as top-level keys, because values can be arbitrarily complex JSON values.

Such keys, and their prefixes, also serve as roles in Craton’s implementation of RBAC. Keys are in a single namespace that does not differentiate between config or audit variables.

Values are of JSON type, and can store arbitrary data as such, including binary data via base64 encoding. Workflows define these specifics.
Scope resolution

Variables use hierarchical scope to resolve for a specific device, using the following ordering:

  1. Region
  2. Cell
  3. Label; if a device has multiple labels, the labels are sorted alphanumerically
  4. Device

Such resolution overrides at the lowest defined level, which allows for variables to describe a device with the “broadest possible brush”. Overrides do not merge values, even if the value has keys embedded in it.

In general, config variables should be set at the highest possible level; whereas audit data should be bottom up from device.


Variables are also associated with the actor that wrote them, along with a record of change, including a note describing the change.

It may be desirable to track other metadata about a variable: is this intended for config, vs discovered from an audit? But note this might be just a question of which actor wrote this variable: was it a user? (Config.) Or was it a workflow? (Audit/remediation, possibly further identified by workflow metadata.)


Craton’s inventory is modeled using Python objects, which in turn has a concrete reference implementation using SQLAlchemy:

digraph G
    size = "8,11";
    node [shape=plaintext]

    Project [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">Project</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+name : String</font></TD></TR>

    Region [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">Region</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+project_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+name : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+note : String</font></TD></TR>

    User [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">User</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+project_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+username : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+is_admin : Boolean</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+roles : JSONType</font></TD></TR>

    Cell [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">Cell</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+region_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+project_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+name : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+note : String</font></TD></TR>

    Device [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">Device</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+type : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+name : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+region_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+project_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+ip_address : IPAddressType</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+active : Boolean</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+note : String</font></TD></TR>

    Label [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">Label</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+label : String</font></TD></TR>

    Host [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">Host</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+type : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+name : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+region_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+cell_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+project_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+ip_address : IPAddressType</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+active : Boolean</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+note : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+access_secret_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>

    AccessSecret [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">AccessSecret</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+cert : Text</font></TD></TR>

    VariableCorrelation [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">VariableCorrelation</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+object_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+object_type : String</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+variable_id : Integer</font></TD></TR>

    Variable [label=<
  <TR><TD><font face="Helvetica" point-size="12">Variable</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+created_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+updated_at : DateTime</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+id : Integer</font></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><font face="Helvetica" point-size="10">+variable : String</font></TD></TR>

    Project -> Region [dir=both headlabel="    *" fontsize="8" taillabel="1    "];
    Project -> User [dir=both  headlabel="*     " fontsize="8"  taillabel="1   "];
    Project -> Cell [dir=both  headlabel="    *" fontsize="8"  taillabel="&nbsp; 1"];
    Region -> Cell [dir=both  headlabel="*  " fontsize="8"  taillabel="1    "];
    Project -> Device [dir=both  headlabel="*      " fontsize="8"  taillabel="1    "];
    Region -> Device [dir=both  headlabel="*      " fontsize="8"  taillabel="1     "];
    Cell -> Device [dir=both  headlabel="*     " fontsize="8"  taillabel="1  "];
    Label -> Device [dir=both  headlabel="*   " fontsize="8"  taillabel="1   "];
    Device -> Host [dir=none];
    Host -> AccessSecret [dir=both headlabel="0..1    " fontsize="8" taillabel="1    "];    
    VariableCorrelation -> Variable [dir=both headlabel="1    " fontsize="8" taillabel="1   "];
    VariableCorrelation -> Region [dir=both headlabel="        0..1" fontsize="8" taillabel="*   "];
    VariableCorrelation -> Cell [dir=both headlabel="        0..1" fontsize="8" taillabel="*   "];
    VariableCorrelation -> Device [dir=both headlabel="        0..1" fontsize="8" taillabel="*   "];
    VariableCorrelation -> Label [dir=both headlabel="        0..1" fontsize="8" taillabel="*   "];
    VariableCorrelation -> User [dir=both headlabel="&nbsp;\n0..1" fontsize="8" taillabel="*"];
    VariableCorrelation -> Host [dir=both headlabel="        0..1" fontsize="8" taillabel= "*       "];


TODO(jimbaker): implementation of the inventory concepts is a work in progress, however, the above schema represents the current implementation. Notably missing are principals, including workflows and users, which will be added in the next phase of work.