Craton service command-line client


craton usage

craton optional arguments

craton project-create

craton project-delete

craton project-list

craton project-show

craton project-update

craton region-create

craton region-delete

craton region-list

craton region-show

craton region-update

craton cell-create

craton cell-delete

craton cell-list

craton cell-show

craton cell-update

craton device-create

craton device-delete

craton device-list

craton device-show

craton device-update

craton host-create

craton host-delete

craton host-list

craton host-show

craton host-update

craton user-list

craton usage


craton usage
Show usages of craton client.
craton project-create
Create a new project.
craton project-delete
Delete a project.
craton project-list
List all projects.
craton project-show
Show detailed information about a project.
craton project-update
Update information about a project.
craton region-create
Create a new region.
craton region-delete
Delete a region.
craton region-list
List all regions.
craton region-show
Show detailed information about a region.
craton region-update
Update information about a region.
craton cell-create
Create a new cell.
craton cell-delete
Delete a cell.
craton cell-list
List all cells.
craton cell-show
Show detailed information about a cell.
craton cell-update
Update information about a cell.
craton device-create
Create a new device.
craton device-delete
Delete a device.
craton device-list
List all devices.
craton device-show
Show detailed information about a device.
craton device-update
Update information about a device.
craton host-create
Create a new host.
craton host-delete
Delete a host.
craton host-list
List all hosts.
craton host-show
Show detailed information about a host.
craton host-update
Update information about a host.
craton user-list
List the users of a project.
craton help
Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

craton optional arguments


Show program’s version number and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print more verbose output.

craton project-create

Create a new project.

usage: craton project-create [-n <name>] [-u <uuid>]

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

Name of the project.

-u <uuid>, --uuid <uuid>

UUID of the project.

craton project-delete

Delete a project.

usage: craton project-delete <project>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the project.

craton project-list

List the projects.

usage: craton project-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>]

Optional arguments:


Show detailed information about the projects.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of projects to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Craton API Service.

craton project-show

Show detailed information about a project.

usage: craton project-show <project>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the project.

craton project-update

Update information about a project.

usage: craton project-update <project> [-n <name>]

Positional arguments:


UUID of the project.

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

New name for the project.

craton region-create

Create a new region.

usage: craton region-create [-n <name>]
                            [-u <uuid>]
                            [-p <project>]
                            [--note <note>]

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

Name of the region.

-u <uuid>, --uuid <uuid>

UUID of the region.

-p <project>, --project <project>, --project_uuid <project>

UUID of the project that this region belongs to.

--note <note>

Note about the region.

craton region-delete

Delete a region.

usage: craton region-delete <region>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the region.

craton region-list

List the regions.

usage: craton region-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>]
                          [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                          [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]

Optional arguments:


Show detailed information about the regions.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of regions to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Craton API Service.

--sort-key <field>

Region field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more region fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when ‘– detail’ is specified.

craton region-show

Show detailed information about a region.

usage: craton region-show <region>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the region.

craton region-update

Update information about a region.

usage: craton region-update <region> [-n <name>]

Positional arguments:


UUID of the region.

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

New name for the region.

craton cell-create

Create a new cell.

usage: craton cell-create [-n <name>]
                        [-u <uuid>]
                        [-p <project>]
                        [-r <region>]
                        [--note <note>]

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

Name of the cell.

-u <uuid>, --uuid <uuid>

UUID of the cell.

-p <project>, --project <project>, --project_uuid <project>

UUID of the project that this cell belongs to.

-r <region>, --region <region>, --region_uuid <region>

UUID of the region that this cell belongs to.

--note <note>

Note about the cell.

craton cell-delete

Delete a cell.

usage: craton cell-delete <cell>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the cell.

craton cell-list

List the cells.

usage: craton cell-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>]
                        [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                        [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
                        [--region <region>]

Optional arguments:


Show detailed information about the cells.

-r <region>, --region <region>

UUID of the region that contains the desired list of cells.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of cells to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Craton API Service.

--sort-key <field>

Cell field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more cell fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when ‘– detail’ is specified.

craton cell-show

Show detailed information about a cell.

usage: craton cell-show <cell>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the cell.

craton cell-update

Update information about a cell.

usage: craton cell-update <cell> [-n <name>]

Positional arguments:


UUID of the cell.

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

New name for the cell.

craton device-create

Create a new device.

usage: craton device-create [-n <name>]
                        [-t <type>]
                        [-a <active>]
                        [-u <uuid>]
                        [-p <project>]
                        [-r <region>]
                        [-c <cell>]
                        [--note <note>]

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

Name of the device.

-t <type>, --type <type>

Type of device.

-a <active>, --active <active>

Active or inactive state for a device: ‘true’ or ‘false’.

-u <uuid>, --uuid <uuid>

UUID of the device.

-p <project>, --project <project>, --project_uuid <project>

UUID of the project that this device belongs to.

-r <region>, --region <region>, --region_uuid <region>

UUID of the region that this device belongs to.

-c <cell>, --cell <cell>, --cell_uuid <cell>

UUID of the cell that this device belongs to.

--note <note>

Note about the device.

craton device-delete

Delete a device.

usage: craton device-delete <device>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the device.

craton device-list

List the devices.

usage: craton device-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>]
                          [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                          [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
                          [--cell <cell>]

Optional arguments:

-c <cell>, --cell <cell>

UUID of the cell that contains the desired list of devices.


Show detailed information about the device.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of devices to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Craton API Service.

--sort-key <field>

Device field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more device fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when ‘– detail’ is specified.

craton device-show

Show detailed information about a device.

usage: craton device-show <device>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the device.

craton device-update

Update information about a device.

usage: craton device-update <device> [-n <name>]

Positional arguments:


UUID of the device.

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

New name for the device.

craton host-create

Create a new host.

usage: craton host-create [-n <name>]
                        [-t <type>]
                        [-a <active>]
                        [-u <uuid>]
                        [-p <project>]
                        [-r <region>]
                        [-c <cell>]
                        [--note <note>]
                        [--access_secret <access_secret>]
                        [-i <ip_address>]

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

Name of the host.

-t <type>, --type <type>

Type of host.

-a <active>, --active <active>

Active or inactive state for a host: ‘true’ or ‘false’.

-u <uuid>, --uuid <uuid>

UUID of the host.

-p <project>, --project <project>, --project_uuid <project>

UUID of the project that this host belongs to.

-r <region>, --region <region>, --region_uuid <region>

UUID of the region that this host belongs to.

-c <cell>, --cell <cell>, --cell_uuid <cell>

UUID of the cell that this host belongs to.

--note <note>

Note about the host.

--access_secret <access_secret>

UUID of the access secret of the host.

-i <ip_address>, --ip_address <ip_address>

IP Address type of the host.

craton host-delete

Delete a host.

usage: craton host-delete <host>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the host.

craton host-list

List the hosts.

usage: craton host-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>]
                     [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                     [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
                     [--cell <cell>]

Optional arguments:

-c <cell>, --cell <cell>

UUID of the cell that contains the desired list of hosts.


Show detailed information about the host.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of hosts to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Craton API Service.

--sort-key <field>

Host field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more host fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when ‘– detail’ is specified.

craton host-show

Show detailed information about a host.

usage: craton host-show <host>

Positional arguments:


UUID of the host.

craton host-update

Update information about a host.

usage: craton host-update <host> [-n <name>]

Positional arguments:


UUID of the host.

Optional arguments:

-n <name>, --name <name>

New name for the host.

craton user-list

List the users in a project.

usage: craton user-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>]
                     [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                     [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]

Optional arguments:


Show detailed information about the users.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of users to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Craton API Service.

--sort-key <field>

User field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: “asc” (the default) or “desc”.

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more user fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when ‘– detail’ is specified.